Bolt In November 2008
Bolt is an upcoming CG animated produced by Walt Disney Animation Studios. Much of the original graphic style of the film was inspired by the work of Edward Hopper. New technology in non-photorealistic rendering is used to give a special visual appearance to the movie. Furthermore a new patented technology has been specifically designed for Bolt in order to give a hand-painted look to the the 3D backgrounds.
The movie can boast the voice talents of John Travolta, as Bolt the dog, and of Miley Cyrus, as Penny, the young girl who owns Bolt.
Here the plot:
"The story is about Bolt, a white German Shepherd who has lived all his life on the set of a TV show in which he portrays a superhero dog, and as a result thinks that his superpowers are real. Later, he gets accidentally separated from the studio. He then meets a female cat named Mittens and a hamster who never leaves his exercise ball, and eventually he discovers that all of his powers are fake. " (Source: Wikipedia)
A nice Disney movie to bring my children to watch then!
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