Friday, June 6, 2008

Bolt American Dog Preview Clip

As you may know, the movie Bolt was once titled American Dog. The project has since been through some meaningful updates. Nonetheless all the work already done with American Dog has more probably been reused in Bolt.

Check this early (bootleg?) preview clip of Bolt, well actually it's a clip from American Dog:

(I confirm it's a clip from American Dog. Indeed at the very first second,
below the TV, there is a picture of a brown dog, the original version of the dog by Chris Sander
which is here below in the picture.)

American Dog - BoltThe dog is not anymore a brown dog,indeed in the new version Bolt is a white German shepherd. but the preview clip above is quite amazing if you focus on the horizon of mountain in background: the 3D is gorgeous!

The final Bolt movie, even with a German shepherd, must look really great. According to Quint from AintItCool who had the chance to be present during the presentation of the first 15 minutes of Bolt by Disney:

"[...] the footage had the heart of a Pixar movie, or a classic Disney movie. That combined with the nostalgia and just right feeling of having the look of traditional hand-painted backgrounds really made me feel at home with what I saw. Hopefully the movie lives up to the first impression." Quint

So Quintdoes confirm that the amazing 3D is still there: I'm feeling more positive by now about Bolt. I'm even confident that it's going to be a great animated movie.